Open Conference Systems

The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB) 2019

ICSB is a biennial conference that started in 2019. In this inaugural event, the ICSB focused on “Bioenergy for Rural Development” as the theme of the conference.

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Konferensi Ilmiah Nasional Mahasiswa Indonesia (KOIN-MAS) diselenggarakan sebagai wadah untuk mempertemukan dan mempublikasikan hasil riset talenta-talenta akademisi jenjang pendidikan S1,S2, dan S3, sebagai bentuk kontribusi mahasiswa bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan., teknologi dan seni, serta pembangunan bangsa dan negara indonesia. KOIN MAS 2018 adalah pelaksanaan ke-dua setelah dengan sukses untuk mempublikasi karya ilmiah mahasiswa sebagai syarat kelulusan, sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Permenristekdikti N0.44 Tahun 2015. Tema KOIN MAS 2018 adalah “Peningkatan Kapasitas Mahasiswa Menghadapi Tantangan Revolusi Industri 4.0”

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The 3rd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2017)

The International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR) is a foremost annual forum for sharing and highlight original and novel ideas, significant advances, the state-of-the-art, current status, and future challenges on all aspects related to the research and development in the field of science, engineering and technology, and their inter-discipline subjects. Continuing the previous events, the 3rd IC-STAR will be held in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, on September 18 - 20, 2017. IC-STAR is intended to facilitate both publishing and networking. It aims to be the platform for information dissemination, gathering and networking for academia, researchers, engineers, and practitioners or professionals. All accepted papers will be presented and included in the book chapter Integrated Sci-Tech: The Interdisciplinary Research Approach, volume 3 (proposed to be published by Springer Australia). Selected papers will be submitted to our journals partner which is indexed in SCIE, Scopus, and SJR.

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Konference Ilmiah Nasional Mahasiswa Indonesia (Koin-Mas)

Konference Ilmiah Nasional Mahasiswa Indonesia (Koin-Mas) 2017

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International Conference on Sustainable Management of Renewable Resources in Tropics

Currently cassava is not only used as food, but also has it expanded far into raw materials for various industrial purposes, such as tapioca starch and its derivatives, livestock forage, as well as raw material for bio-energy.

Lampung is the largest cassava producing provinces in Indonesia. Consequently, cassava has been a leading food and industrial crop to boost up the rural economic in Lampung province. Harvesting areas for cassava in Lampung in 2014 was approximately 304,468 ha, mainly located in Middle Lampung, North Lampung, South Lampung, Way Kanan, dan Tulang Bawang. Unfortunately in Lampung, unlike in other commodities such as oil palm, pineapple and sugar cane, production technology applied to the cassava plant is not optimized yet.

In order to accommodate, disseminate, and share the results of research and development of various technologies related to cassava, Lampung University will hold an international seminar in November 2017.

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Seminar Nasional Energi dan Industri Manufaktur 2017 (SIGER 2017)

Department of Mechanical Engineering is pleased to organize the 1st SIGER (Seminar Nasional Energi dan Industri Manufaktur). SIGER is organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, FT Unila, INSTEP (International Network on Science, Technology, and Education Programme), and IWS (Indonesian Welding Society). It aims to disseminate and discuss the state-of-the-art, current status and future challenges on all aspects related to the field of Mechanical Engineering research and innovations. Let’s keep in touch with us through

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International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics

International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Lampung.



”The Role and Innovation of Sciences in the Strengthening of Natural Resouces”



The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) can be a seriuos threat, however they can be a huge challenge and opportunity  for Indonesia. Global market, product innovation and the quality skill of foreign workers are real threat which have to be faced by Indonesian. Therefore, the strengthening the potency of local people and local product must be increased to overcome the threat.

Innovation of sciences will be one the key answer to alter the threat to be opportunities. A varieties of invention on the field of biology, chemistry, computer science and informatics, mathematics and phycics amy be used to increase the quality of the new product, to foster the production and distribution as well as to increase the people resources. However, many of the inventions are often yet socialized and sinergized to add value to our resources.

In an effort to dessiminate and to increase the quality of the invention, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS/FMIPA) University of Lampung will hold an International Conference on Applied Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics (ICASMI) 2017. This conference will present the latest development and invention of Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics and their application in many field of study by inviting some renown speakers as well as many academicians, researchers which have high competency in their fields. The communication and discussion occured during the conference will be believed enhance the strengthening the local potency at local community as a result, it is expected to have opportunity in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).



Based on the theme” The Role and Innovation of Sciences in the Strengthening of Local Potency”, this conference aims:

  1. The place for dissemination of research on Sciences, mathematics and informatics.
  2. The media of scientific meeting for all reseachers Sciences, mathematics and informatics.
  3. The media for exchange of information for all researchers on Sciences, mathematics and informatics for their development and application in the future.



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Food security is a complex issue of sustainable development, related to food availability, distribution, health, economy, environment, and trades, which are interconnected.  There are many discussions about food security, among others, food is probably enough in the world to feed everyone adequately but the problem is on its distribution. However, the future production faces climate change that affects all four food security dimensions: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability. Improving food security, therefore whilst at the same time reconciling demands on the environment conditions is the greatest challenges.

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The 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2016 (IC-STAR 2016)


Following the successful our inaugural series of IC-STAR 2015 that recorded of over 150 submissions from different countries across the continents, we are now welcoming you to the 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research or IC-STAR 2016. Our previous event has facilitated papers to publish in ARPN-JEAS (Scopus indexed), JART (ISI Thomson Reuters and Scopus indexed) and Book Chapters with ISBN. This year we hope to learn more selected work to be published.

IC-STAR event is intended to facilitate both publishing and networking. It aims to be the platform for information dissemination, gathering and networking for academia, researcher, and engineers or professionals within the area of natural science, engineering and technology, agriculture and food science, and medical and biomedical engineering. Selected papers will be submitted to our partner journals which are indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters or Scopus. 

So please, mark your calendar and prepare your submissions and contributions to IC-STAR 2016.

Keep in touch with us under

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SNABDI (Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)

Selamat datang di Laman OCS Seminar Nasional Pengabdian yang diselenggarakan oleh LPPM Unila. Info selengkapnya bisa anda simak di URL

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Satek 2015

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The 18th FSTPT Symposium

The international symposium is a series of annual events organized by the Forum of  Indonesian Inter-University Transportation Studies (FSTPT). This year is 18th FSTPT Symposium and will be held at the Lampung University.

This symposium aims to provide space for discussion and sharing ideas for researcher concerning to the strengthening and development of the transportation and logistics system. This symposium is also expected to be a network among academicians, policy makers and practitioners of transportation engineering. The event will be supported by various activities, such as engineeing workshops and the annual members meeting of FSTPT. As an additional activity, the symposium will be held in conjunction with the Krakatau Festival, an annual event that has become a worldwide cultural icon of Lampung Province.

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The 1st International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2015 (IC-STAR 2015)

In conjunction of the 50th Anniversary of University of Lampung, Indonesia, we are pleased to organize the 1st International Conference on Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2015 (IC-STAR 2015). The conference is co-organized by University of Lampung (UNILA) Indonesia and INSTEP (International Network on Science, Technology, and Education Programme).  IC-STAR 2015 aims to share and discuss the state-of-the-art, current status and future challenges on all aspects related to the research and development in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology and Interdisciplinary Research. The organizer are welcoming Keynotes, Invited, and Oral presenter papers from leading-edge academia, research organization &industrialist.

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